Gian Wild’s blog
"Practical accessibility" -
Abrahams Accessibility
"Abrahams Accessibility blog contains short pieces of news and thoughts on accessibility and usability." -
Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » Blog Accessibility
"Glenda Watson Hyatt shares her experiences living with cerebral palsy to motivate and inspire others to think about how they perceive their own situation and their own world around them. She does all this by typing with only her left thumb!" (Web accessibility category of Glenda Watson Hyatt's blog) -
Learning the World
"'Learning the World' is a blog about web standards and accessibility." -
Low Visionary
"One of my passions is accessibility, and in particular access to information." -
Accessibility Blog - Centre for Internet and Society
"Through multidisciplinary research, intervention, and collaboration, we seek to explore, understand, and affect the shape and form of the internet, and its relationship with the political, cultural, and social milieu of our times." -
Wendy Chisholm
"I am an author, activist and developer. I co-wrote “Universal Design for Web Applications” with Matt May (O’Reilly, 2008). Before that, I co-edited Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 and 2.0–the basis of most web accessibility policies." -
Aggregator of RSS feeds concerning web accessibility
"Make web accessible for everyone" -
Ian Pouncey » Accessibility
"I work as a web developer at Yahoo! Europe in London." (Web accessibility category of Ian Pouncey's blog) -
the art of web accessibility
"This blog’s mission is raise awareness about web accessibility, not just for disabled users but for everybody." -
"User-Centered Design and Web Accessibility Blog" -
"Accessibility On-Demand" -
Access Matters
"Seeking Best Accessibility Practices" -
Bruce Lawson’s personal site
"I’m a member of the Web Standards Project’s Accessibility Task Force . That doesn’t mean I’m a guru or great theoretician or designer, just that I’m a jobbing web developer with a firm belief that the web is a revolutionary communication mechanism and should be available to all." -
Spider Trax
No blog description found. -
The Web Standards Project
"The Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all." -
OPC Toolbox
"web standards, accessibility, css, xhtml" (from Technorati profile) -
the 200ok weblog
"I'm passionate about accessibility and web standards. The technology exists to provide rich web communications which remain accessible to all people... I believe the web industry needs create sites for users, not in spite of them." -
GAWDS - The Guild of Accessible Web Designers
"The Guild of Accessible Web Designers (GAWDS) is a worldwide association of professional organisations, web designers and developers working together to promote the use and preservation of accessible design standards." -
Accessibility Field Notes
"Accessibility Field Notes covers subjects of interest to accessible web site developers and their clients. These include technical articles, reviews, 'test-drives' of new techniques and opinion pieces." (from Technorati profile) -
Blacktelephone: Accessibility Calling!
"We are a confederation of Web accessibility experts blogging away on our favorite subject." -
RightNow Accessibility Blog
"The RightNow Accessibility team discusses their philosophy on providing comparable access for all users regardless of physical ability." (from Technorati profile) -
The ‘58 sound
"David Sloan on Accessibility, Inclusive Interaction design – and other topics of interest" -
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
"Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities" From the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) -
Accessibility in the News
"National Center on Disability and Access to Education" -
Accessibility | OpenConcept Consulting Inc.
"open source web development for social change" -
"A pragmatic approach to web standards and accessibility" -
iheni :: making the web worldwide
"This is the personal blog of Henny Swan, currently a Web Evangelist for Opera Software." -
AlastairC - Usability and Web Development
"A technically oriented site about the web and how people use it by Alastair Campbell." -
Access Garage
"Aaron Leventhal’s accessibility blog" -
The Paciello Group Blog
"Your Accessibility Partner" -
Accessibility Watch
"AccessibilityWatch™ is dedicated to providing the Web community with latest information on accessibility technology, news, solutions, tips and more." -
Even Grounds Developers' Corner
"This page contains information for developers to help them make information accessible to people with disabilities." -
Even Grounds Blog
"In this blog, I will reflect on issues which effect the accessibility of technology." -
"We aim to prove that accessible, usable web sites built with universality and standards in mind need not be boring." -
456 Berea Street
"Articles and news on web standards, accessibility, and usability" -
No blog description found. -
WebAIM: Blog
"Expanding the web's potential for people with disabilities" -
Web Axe
"Podcast and blog on practical web design accessibility tips." -
"web accessibility evaluation tool" -
STC AccessAbility SIG
"An Accessibility & Technical Communication Blog" "The mission of the AccessAbility SIG is threefold: (1) provide resources, information, and support to technical communicators with disabilities; (2) provide resources that will help technical communicators make the products they create accessible to end users with disabilities; (3) provide strategic leadership in both areas through positive initiatives and open communication, both inside and outside the Society." -
"Blog feeds from the contributors of accessibility through technology." -
Abrahams Accessibility
"Abrahams Accessibility blog contains short pieces of news and thoughts on accessibility and usability." -
Marco’s accessibility blog
"Musings, tips and tricks about the accessible software world" -
Juicy Studio
"The mission of this website is to promote best practice for web developers in a fast moving industry. Whether you're a novice or a professional, there's something for you." -
Accessible Web Design Blog
"Articles on Web Accessibility and Best Practice Web Design" -
"I specialise in websites for people with learning disabilities." -
Curb Cut
"Curb Cut is written by Christopher Phillips and focuses on accessibility, disability and openness." -
Adobe Accessibility
"Information and news about accessibility in Adobe products for people with disabilities, authors, and developers." -
BBC - The Ouch! Blog
"the Ouch team writes frequent entries about all things disability - from news snippets, gossip and trivia through to interesting links from all over the web." -
Clear Helper
Web Accessibility for People with Intellectual / Cognitive Disabilities. Project to develop a Web site using best practices of accessibility for people with intellectual / cognitive disabilities, and to discuss related issues.
Web Accessibility Blogs
These 51 blogs are focused on Web accessibility. More will be added to this list. (View a sub-list of cognitive Web-accessibility blogs.)
Note: If no resources are displayed above, please refresh this page.
Visit The Clear Helper Blog: Developing best practices of Web accessibility for people with intellectual / cognitive disabilities.