Making electronic mail accessible: Perspectives of people with acquired cognitive impairments, caregivers and professionals
"Study analyzed information obtained from surveys, focus groups and conversations with people with acquired cognitive impairments (ACI), caregivers, and service providers in order to better understand the need for and barriers to using electronic mail (email)." -
The promise of generic technology for young people with cognitive disabilities
"(1) surveys of technology use; (2) device usage trials to determine potential for use; (3) information on potential enhancers and barriers to using electronic organizers with people who have memory and organization challenges as a result of cognitive disability; (4) an online catalog of electronic devices; and (5) additional information about Web accessibility for people with cognitive challenges." -
Improving web accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities: Top 10 features
"(1) use pictures, graphics, icons, and symbols to augment text; (2) simplify writing and reading; (3) use consistent navigation and design on every page; (4) use headings, title, and prompts rather than long paragraphs; (5) support screen readers; (6) use larger fonts; (7) use uncluttered, simple screen layout; (8) maintain white space; (9) make the Web site customizable; and (10) use navigation aids." -
An Internet training intervention for people with traumatic brain injury: Barriers and outcomes
"Study investigated whether people with acquired cognitive-linguistic impairments following traumatic brain injury (TBI) could learn to use the Internet using specialized training materials." -
A Website Interface Design Framework for the Cognitively Impaired: A Study in the Context of Alzheimer's Disease
"In this paper, we introduce a four-element, theoretical framework and outline a research agenda that identifies important considerations for developers of website interfaces for those with AD. This Website Accessibility Framework may be used as the basis for investigating the impacts of interfaces with differing degrees of guideline compliance, ranging from no compliance to full compliance, on people with AD." -
The longitudinal effects of accessible email for individuals with severe cognitive impairments
"This report describes the longitudinal effects of using an adapted email interface by individuals with severe cognitive disabilities due to acquired brain injury.Aims: Research questions included: (1) Can people with severe cognitive impairments learn to email independently using an adapted interface? (2) If participants successfully learn to email, what types of supports are needed to maintain long-term use of email? (3) What, if any, are the psychosocial effects of long-term email participation?" -
Reaching accessibility: Guidelines for creating and refining digital learning materials
"Individuals with visual, motor, or learning disabilities constantly encounter the challenging predicament of attempting to use computer files, software, and Web sites that are not accessible." -
Factors affecting people with intellectual disabilities in learning to use computer technology
"Three-hundred-and-fifty-three adults (age 16 years or above, mean age=28.77 years) with ID were assessed on basic IT skills using a self-developed skill-based checklist including the use of the keyboard and mouse and getting onto the Internet." -
Older adults: Key factors in design
"The focus of this contribution is special design which will enable a particularly large group of new users, older adults, to participate fully in the use of information technology ...". Introduction mentions "... BrookesTalk, a voice Web browser ...". -
Think and Link: Tips for Assisting People With Email
Summary of research into making e-mail accessible for people with intellectual disabilities. Refers to CogLink e-mail software. -
Improving website accessibility for people with early-stage dementia: a preliminary investigation.
"This study, conducted collaboratively with five men who have a diagnosis of early-stage Alzheimer's disease (AD), is the first stage of a formative research project aimed at developing a new website for people with dementia." -
Accessibility of graphics in technical documentation for the cognitive and visually impaired
"... explores how a method of creating and exporting graphics can improve the experiences of users with visual or cognitive impairments when viewing technical documentation ...". -
Making eHealth accessible for people with cognitive disabilities: focus on navigation
Special issue: MedNet 2005 - New tasks in internet use in health care. Authors from Oregon Institute on Disability & Development, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR -
Web accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities, extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems
"This pilot study investigated individuals with developmental cognitive disabilities (DCD) navigating W3C accessibility-compliant Web sites and the impact of four cognitive determinants: situation awareness, spatial awareness, task-set switching, and anticipated system response. Participants were placed into one of two search conditions and were asked to complete information-finding tasks. The usability evaluation demonstrated that the majority of users with DCD were able to access the Web but they were unable to successfully use the W3C accessibility-compliant Web sites/. The use of navigation aids was examined, different Web navigation problems were identified as well as user satisfaction and perceived usability. It is clear from this study that current Web accessibility guidelines do not sufficiently address the needs of people with cognitive disabilities. Additional research is needed to understand how cognitive disabilities affect using Web-based media." -
Use of Electronic Technologies by People with Intellectual Disabilities
"Drawing upon a survey of 83 adults with intellectual disabilities, we examined factors affecting use for three key electronic technologies: computer, Internet, and electronic organizers." -
A Conceptual Framework for Accessibility Tools to Benefit Users With Cognitive Disabilities
"The framework includes: (1) categories of functional cognitive disabilities, (2) principles of cognitive disability accessibility, (3) units of web content analysis, (4) aspects of analysis, and (5) realms of responsibility." -
Web Accessibility for People With Cognitive Disabilities
"Pilot study conducted to present a conceptual model of several fundamental elements required for successful web navigation for people with cognitive disabilities."
Cognitive Web Accessibility: Research 2005
Published in 2005, these resources are original studies, literature reviews and related articles that cite references.
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